Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hi all, first I thank you for being reading
my name is Miguel Corpas for over 20 years i been in the business of contruction.
first work in a company as a truck drivers and then, I buy concrete trucks and so began this
My company STAR ISLAND CONCRETE DESING We do all kinds of parking,, stamp concrete brick pavers,,etc 
I write this because for all these years i shot thousands of pictures and sometimes I wonder where are my  photos,,( I DONT KNOW) and I NEVER WILL

That is why I made this webside WWW.BUILDERSPHOTOS.COM
In this web I can do photo BOARD for work or category
I can find people to help me in the business and share the photos of my work with them
when you have your photos on the web if the person who sees it likes; when they touch the picture .they will be visiting your webside